I am a disciplined and positive woman! I am a positive influence on everyone I meet.
I am excited for my alarm to go off at 6:30 AM because I value my time with God.
My kids are happy and thriving because I am organized and prepared. My husband and I have a passionate, respectful, loving relationship because money is no longer an issue. My home is clean and peaceful because we have a wonderful person who helps me keep it that way every week.
My Mary Kay business is exploding! I quickly became a senior consultant, then climbed the ladder to team leader and am now on target for my first car!
Every one of the Moxie Girlz is a star consultant and consistently recognized at our weekly success meetings. They are the most fantastic group of women I've ever met and I'm so grateful to know each and every one.
My datebood is full of appointments. I always hold at least three parties per week which brings in at least $3600 per month in sales. No's and cancellations empower me to book more, sell more, and share more!
God is blessing me and my family with more than we ever dreamed of. We praise Him constantly and thank Him for giving Mary Kay Ash a dream.
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