Monday, March 26, 2012

What Has Changed, or the Evolution of Being, part II

In my most desperate times (and many not-so-desperate times), I have always reached out to the one constant in my life.


This time was no different, but this time, something inside me said I needed someone to talk to. Not just my ever-faithful and loving heavenly Father, but someone that could sit across me in a room, look me in the eye, hear about all the awful and wonderful things going on and listen.

I needed someone who would just listen. Listen to my failures and my successes. Listen to my fears and anxiety. Listen to me cry and laugh and allow me to voice all the crazy thoughts in my head.

But who was this person and how on earth would I find them?


Yes, Google. I opened up my husband’s ever present laptop on my bed. I sat up and Googled.

(Incidentally, that's a word now. It's really in the dictionary. To Google. A verb.)

I Googled "therapists". And that day, I found Robin, the woman that would save my life.

---to be continued---

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