Tuesday, March 27, 2012

What Has Changed, or the Evolution of Being, part III

I'm sure this all sounds extremely dramatic, maybe overly so, and if you've never hit rock-bottom, you are probably shaking your head and thinking "Drama queen".

There were times when I heard people talking about things like this and I thought the same thing. But rock-bottom is a very real place. And you don't have to be a drug-addict or schizo to get there.

Rock-bottom is when you smack into that road sign of life where you have two choices. You can't keep moving straight ahead on the path you've been going on, you must choose to turn. One path leads you back, to the troubles of the past, where you give up and end it all. The other leads you
forward to whatever the future might bring if you choose to stand up, dust yourself off, and take one step forward.

That Saturday in May, I made a choice to turn my life around and stop allowing others to make all the choices for me.

Robin's ability to listen and support me and give me strength for the past ten months has made her more than therapist to me. She is my confidante and I trust her more than most.

Over the next six months from that day in May, my home life did not get easier.

Neither did my job. In fact, things got worse at work - so many changes in the company. People were being fired or quitting on a regular basis. I was traveling at least once a month and struggling to keep up with planning, publishing, advertising, and executing these events. There were new people hired into my department all the time and it was a challenge to find my place among them. I was criticized for my honesty, berated for laughing, and chastised for selling. But I kept succeeding.

The managers seemed to be doing everything they could to make my job impossible, but I did it. I kept moving forward. I worked hard and I pulled off one event after another.

Every week, without fail, I went in to see Robin. Every week, without fail, she listened to the craziness that was my life, lifted my spirits, taught me to change negative thoughts into positive, and sent me out to do more, work harder, and be better.

By September, I knew for sure that my time with the company was coming to an end. I wasn't sure when, but I knew that it would happen.

And when that day came, I was ready.

---to be continued---

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